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Sunday, March 18, 2012're killing me

Yeah, well not really.  But Ed and I have been doing non-stop projects since late January and we are a bit pooped.  So far we have redecorated the family room, the foyer and hall, the dining room, and then repurposed the formal living room into a Library/Office.  We still have to paint the kitchen, the wet bar, our bedroom (big plans for a serene and light-filled space there!), and then remodel the laundry room.  I don't think we're going to finish everything before gardening calls, because suddenly it's spring in the Shenandoah Valley.

Okay, first things first:  Don't you just love a home that makes you feel like curling up and getting comfy?
Yeah, me too.

So, after perusing Pinterest for hours and hours on end during the long, cold month of December, I knew we had to do something about the sofa and loveseat.  Actually, I've been putting that off forever because finding furniture I like is just so darned hard for me.  I know what I want; that's not the issue.  Finding it truly is.  Ed and I shopped for months for our last furniture purchase around 12 years ago or so.  We loved what we had for years - and it showed.  Finally, feeling that I could no longer invite guests into my home with that ratty old seating, we set out to find a new sofa and loveseat.

Poor Ed.  He is such a good sport and I mean that sincerely.  

We visited several furniture stores in multiple trips into the city.  Secretly, I've always coveted Pottery Barn furniture, and drooled over the catalogs.  I decided we should at least drop by the store in Fair Oaks.  The sofa on display in front was the Slipcovered Comfort Grand Sofa.  It was love at first sight, and sitting on it totally sealed the deal.  We consulted with a saleswoman and I nearly fainted on the spot when told what the cost would be.  I asked if they were on sale and was politely told they were not.  I asked if they would be on sale soon since it was January, and she said she had no idea.  I collected my fabric samples and booklets, and we left.   But I felt a bit determined.  

Upon arriving home, I immediately went online to check out the sofa.  Darned if it wasn't on sale!  I could order both the Grand Sofa and Comfort loveseat for about 35% less!  After a brief discussion with Ed (who always says, "Whatever you want, Sweetie" - how lucky am I????) I ordered them.  They were still more than I wanted to spend, but I am fortunate to work for a company that rewards its employees with a pretty spectacular bonus in the dark months of February.  I was in luck.

The crazily obsessed decorator in my brain suddenly burst forth and she's been non-stop since then.

It's been a busy process and not without problems, mind you.  For instance, after waiting over a month for my new furniture, the large sofa was delivered without a slipcover.  Mind you, this is SLIPCOVERED furniture.  No upholstery.  I was hugely disappointed, but was assured by the company that the cover would be mailed and I would receive it within 5-7 business days.  

It took a month.  

So my freshly painted family room, which was rearranged and re-accessorized, hosted a brand new sofa all dressed up in a queen sized sheet for a month.  Suffice it to say, I'm glad that part's over.  And the rep from Pottery Barn?  RUDE.  I'm not sure I'll order from them again, even though I love the furniture.

Disregard the empty photo frame...I'm still working on it!

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