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Monday, January 25, 2010

It's been awhile...

Actually I was taking a little breather.  We had a really wonderful Christmas and New Years with our family and hope you did too.  But between the photography business and our family holiday preparations and celebrations, I got a bit tired in December.  Actually I got very tired. 

January has provided Ed and me some time to get our house deep-cleaned (I love the day I take down holiday decorations and pull out all the furniture and scrub the floors and dust the baseboards), get myself a bit more organized in my home office, and spend lots of time with each other and our grandchildren.  Now that I have my bearings, we are getting back in the swing of things and already booking weddings in late summer.  We are gearing up for the busy spring and summer season as well and can't wait until the first flush of spring flowers that make such beautiful backgrounds for portraits. 

If you have an event coming up this year, from class reunions to weddings...birthday parties to showers....we are anticipating busy weekends.  Make sure to check your events so we can get yours scheduled as soon as possible!

2010 is going to be a great year!  Get ready because we are expecting our fourth grandchild near the end of March!  I'm sure you'll be seeing a lot of her/him (we won't know which until the birth!). 

Best Regards,
Denise & Ed

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